Welcome to the Village of Fall River

Information for new residents:

Post Office
Address: 203 Steel Rd., Fall River, WI 53932
Phone: (920) 484-3168.

Address: 150 Bradley St., Fall River, WI  53932
Phone: (920) 484-3333
Fax: (920) 484-3600

Garbage / Recycling

The Village contracts with Pellitteri Waste Systems for automated curbside trash and recycling collection. Trash is collected every week and recyclables are collected every other week. All residents should use the carts provided for garbage and recycling- items not contained in the carts will not be picked up without making special arrangements with Pellitteri. Collection day in the Village is Thursday. If a holiday falls on a Thursday or any day earlier in the week, collection day will be Friday. Carts should be out by 6am on collection day.

On collection day, carts should be placed on a relatively flat surfaceeither the tree border or drivewaywith the handles and wheels facing away from the street. Carts should be within two feet of the curb, and have four feet of clearance from other objectsmailboxes, vehicles, etc.all the way around.

2025 Collection Calendar

Trash and recycling information

For more information or to sign up for service alerts, visit Pellitteri.com, or call Customer Service at (608) 257-4285.


Recycling and Yard Waste Center

The Village operates a Recycling and Yard Waste Center on Church Street/Gruhn Road where residents can drop off material. See the informational brochure for more details.

Columbia County Recycling and Solid Waste

Columbia County accepts recyclables as well as a variety of other materials at its location at W7465 Hwy. 16. For more information on accepted items and disposal fees contact the Columbia County Recycling and Waste Processing Facility at (608) 742-6651, view their website, or download their informational brochure.

Voter Registration

Elections are held at the Fall River Municipal Building, 641 S. Main St. Polls open at 7:00 AM and close at 8:00 PM. The building is handicapped accessible. Contact the Clerk's office to obtain absentee ballots.

2011 Wisconsin Act 23 voting in Wisconsin- The law requires voters to present an acceptable photo ID to receive a ballot. Voters are required to sign the poll book when they vote. Changes to your residency requires an address change registration before you are to vote. More details of the law can be found at http://elections.wi.gov/

Download an informational brochure explaining important facts for registering to vote.

Download a voter registration form. This form is used for new voter registrations, address changes and name changes.

Winter Parking Regulations

Sec.10-1-29   Parking Prohibited Regulations.

(a)     Winter Parking.   When signs have been erected at the corporate limits of the Village of Fall River as provided in Sec. 349.13, Wis. Stats., no person shall park or leave standing on any Village street any vehicle or trailer between 2:00 a.m.  and 6:00 a.m.  on any day from November 1 to April 1, except medical and public safety personnel on emergency calls. In addition to the issuance of citations, Village law enforcement officers shall have the authority to have towed to a designated place, or a place where parking is permitted, any vehicle parked in violation of this Section when such vehicle interferes with the removal of snow. Actual charges of such towing and removal shall be assessed against the driver or party responsible for the violation.

Water / Sewer

Village of Fall River residents are billed monthly for water, sewer and garbage collection. Utility customers who do not make payment before the due date listed on the billing will receive a ten-day disconnect notice. Payment must be made within ten days to avoid having water service disconnected.

It is illegal to discharge clear water from a sump pump or downspouts into the sanitary sewer. Doing so burdens the sanitary sewer collection and pumping system and can result in increased operation, maintenance, and treatment costs. Excessive discharge of clear water into the sanitary sewer can result in sewer backups and damage to property. Discharge of clear water should be directed in such a way as to avoid being a nuisance or danger to others.

Current Water Rates

Current Sewer Rates

Columbia County Health & Human Services Resources
Village Ordinances

A PDF version of the Village Ordinance Book can be found here.

Ordinances may be updated from time to time by action of the Fall River Village Board. Ordinances available on this website are believed to be current, but may be superceded by the Official Ordinance Book maintained at the Village Clerk's office.

Columbus/Fall River Food Pantry

We serve Thursdays, 4:00 pm to 6:45 pm, by appointment. We are located in the back of the Columbus Community Center, 125 N Dickason Blvd, Columbus. Call 608-893-3079 to schedule an appointment. If your call is not answered, please leave a clear message with your name and phone number. Messages will be checked daily.

Si Ud. necesita ayuda con la comida, favor de llamar al 920-287-8122 y pida Marcos para programar una cita.

Non-perishable food donations may be dropped in the bin at Columbus Pick n Save. Monetary donations may be deposited at Farmers & Merchants Union Bank.

Thank you to the following churches for serving:
Connection Church - Pastor Jamie Turner * St. Jerome Catholic Church - Father Jim Leeser * Faith Lutheran Church - Pastor Andrew Perger * Olivet Congregational UCC * Zion Lutheran Church - Pastor Tim Schwartz * First Presbyterian Church * Columbus United Methodist Church - Rev. Sang Wook Park * Columbus Community Church of the Nazarene - Pastor Chris Baker * Wisconsin Academy - Pastor Jonathon Fetrick

Questions? Call Colleen 920-210-6266




Contact Information

The following utilities serve the village of Fall River. Please contact them directly to have service started or changed to your new address.



Contact Information

Water & sewer

Village of Fall River

(920) 484-3525


Alliant Energy

alliantenergy.com 800-255-4268

Electric for Hometown Subdivision

Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative



Telephone & cable TV


centurylink.com 800-366-8201

Natural gas

We Energies

we-energies.com 800-242-9137

Trash & recycling collection

Pellitteri Waste Systems
